2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOWI_41 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
Which two properties can you set in the hyperlink dialog box when you create a hyperlink to a document?
A. Refresh on open
B. Color and font style for the link
C. Drill level for the target document
D. Link to a specific area in the document
Answer: AD
Which Web Intelligence viewer panel should you use to create links to documents by browsing to the file without typing any syntax?
A. Java Report Panel
B. ActiveX Report Panel
C. Interactive HTML Panel
D. .NET Interactive Report Panel
Answer: C
What automatically happens when you create a chart using the Templates tab in Web Intelligence?
A. Data is filtered using template dimensions.
B. Structure mode is selected.
C. Data is displayed on the report page.
D. Select Objects dialog box opens.
Answer: B
Which two methods can you use to apply report filters to a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1 document (WID)?
A. Block
B. Global
C. Custom
D. Dynamic
Answer: AB
Which method can you use to build a custom sort?
A. Right-click the table, select “Custom Sort”
B. Right-click the table, select “Sort” and select “Custom Sort”
C. Select a column; on the toolbar, click the “Custom Sort” button
D. Select a column; on the toolbar, click the “Apply Sort” button and select “Custom Sort”
Answer: D
Which tab should you use to change the page orientation of a report?
A. Click File > Page Setup and select “Page Orientation”
B. In InfoView Preferences, change the default page orientation
C. Select the report tab; in Report Manager, select the “Properties” tab and select the “Page Orientation”
D. Select the report page; in Report Manager, select the “Properties” tab and select the “Page Orientation”
Answer: D
Which three methods can you use to combine queries using the Web Intelligence Rich Client?
Answer: ABD
Which sort option should you use to add Temporary Values?
A. Ascending
B. Descending
C. Custom Sort
D. Adaptive Sort
Answer: C
Which method should you use to store a Web Intelligence Rich Client document in an enterprise secured location?
A. Save the document to the Enterprise directories
B. Save the document to the Enterprise documents.
C. Export the document to the Central Management Server (CMS).
D. Export the document to the Central Configuration Manager (CCM).
Answer: C
In which two situations should you use sub-queries?
A. When the query filter involves values that are known
B. When the query filter involves values that are not known
C. When the query filter for the report involves a value that will change over time
D. When the query filter for the report involves a value that will never change over time
Answer: BC
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2016 SAP C_BOWI_41 exam dumps (All 160 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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